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Ongoing Kindness to Others...
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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Url (Not Earl)

Remember when I said I wasn't just going to post cute animal pictures all summer? I guess I lied, because I wanted to share this fun picture of my dad's cat, Url (pronounced "Earl"). Url is so named because he used to be Ursula at the shelter before they realized he was actually a boy cat, so they named him Ursa. But my dad didn't like the name Ursa, so he named him Url. He didn't realize until later that it had a double meaning.

Url is very curmudgeonly. He likes to sit by the sink and meow for people to turn it on so that he can drink out of it, which is what he's doing here. He also only likes my dad and refuses to sit on anyone else's lap. He only plays with toys at 3:00 in the morning - he wouldn't want the humans thinking he's undignified. Url brings me great happiness.


  1. What a Cat name. I am in love with Url!

  2. Greetings are to Anna Granquist,

    The picture of Url drinking water from the family faucet brought a smile to my face. I am happy you saved this curmudgeonly cat from the shelter. Well, we all have issues based upon our past traumas! It is nice to know that Url plays and is still in touch with his inner child, even if it is at 3:00 in the morning!

    There is a practice of giving human characteristics to animals called “to anthropomorphize.” In this vein, I say persona grata to Url for having vibrated at such a level of positivity to have found a loving family! Url has moved past the traumas of being in a shelter, he has moved past the traumas of being misidentified as to his correct sex assignment, and then having been named thusly continued to show exceptional character strength. With his newfound identity and appropriate name, Url may not be so much a curmudgeon as he is a cat of the oppositions-well versed in the yin and yang of life’s experiences from the hard life to the soft life.

    Thank you for giving Url a family and showing that being loved and loving is possible even after the harsh traumas that life may offer.


    April Vihilidal
