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Monday, June 15, 2020

Supreme Court News

Though I hope many of you have seen this, I wanted to share this news because it made me happy. Today the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional to discriminate against people in the workplace because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.


  1. Greetings are to Anna Granquist,

    We live in a world, a plane of duality, a space of opposites for the level of learning we are at as beings of evolving consciousness. As creatures of growing and changing consciousness, we are all mixtures of the yin and yang we term male and female. Each pull of the opposite can be intense or light. As human entities in this world, we have the right to choose, without fear of discrimination, as to what direction we decide to explore our evolution of consciousness.

    I want to add that the scope of this ruling reaches far beyond the archetype of sexual orientation. It is forming a new guidance system for individuals to grow and expand within. As humanity evolves on the planet, the next stage is a non-sexual orientation taken by evolved beings, which will help to balance breeders' desires in an already overpopulated global society.


    April Vihilidal

  2. I never thought I'd see this or legal LGBTQ marriage happen in my lifetime, Anna. And, it made me very, very happy!
