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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Work Less Be More Productive

I myself like to work hard and push myself in everything I do, but sometimes working less can be more productive and in turn make us happier!

1 comment:

  1. Work Less and be more Productive

    6/12/2020 4:00 PM

    Four Steps:

    Definition, Elimination, Automation, and Liberation (2:11)

    Definition: Define what I want from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep (2:24.)

    Elimination: Eliminate all interruptions that take me away from my ideal perceived lifestyle (2:37.)

    Automation: Outsource or automating those activities that can be delegated (2:49.)

    Liberation: What am I doing with my time now that I have it as a part of the lifestyle mobility equation (3:03?)

    Time is money.  How you create money with your time is your lifestyle (3:07.)

    What you do matters more than how much you do (3:28.)

    Apply filters in this age of technology so as not to be process driven (3:45.)

    Efficient equals being good and effective means doing what is important (4:01.)

    A good efficient task taking a lot of time does not make the task effective and important (4:13.)

    Now, I will add that an effective life is a happy life which is the most important aspect of a life well lived. The Happiness for Honors course is supplying a means for the differentiation between what is an efficient task in a technologically based environment as opposed to effective tasks that are important and are aimed at a higher quality of life in a technically based society. The differentiation between what is efficient tasking and what is effective tasking means the difference between being eaten by the energy of processing information as opposed to the ability to focus information, synergize the information processing, and thereby creating energy that is self-sustaining. As per the Lion King, “Eat or be eaten.” The world has become a technological jungle! The practices that afford one the “happiness edge” are now becoming the means of healthy survival in this technologically based jungle.

    Thank you for this post, Bronson!
