The last few days at work have been very stress filled. I walk, dance, practice yoga, meditate, journal, and yet the pressure remains. I decided to watch the movie "My Spy." It made me laugh. After watching the movie, I finally was able to relax a little. Then I started thinking and researching, "Why does viewing a movie support relaxation?" Here is what I found.,which%20produces%20feelings%20of%20pleasure.
"Aside from being a few hours of fun with friends and family, watching films can also be a form of therapy. Apart from the obvious — escaping our own lives and problems for a short time — there are many documented benefits to watching movies. In fact, it even has a name: cinema therapy."
Birgit Wolz, PhD., MFT, who facilitates cinema therapy groups, says:
Well, cinema therapy worked for me today! I am grateful that I enjoyed the movie and experienced a sense of stress release after watching the film."Cinema therapy can be a powerful catalyst for healing and growth for anybody who is open to learning how movies affect us and to watching certain films with conscious awareness. Cinema therapy allows us to use the effect of imagery, plot, music, etc. in films on our psyche for insight, inspiration, emotional release or relief and natural change."
April Vihilidal
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